Koninginneweg 150-HS
1075 ED Amsterdam- Oud Zuid
Emergency service
In case of pain during our opening hours (from Monday to Friday) we advise you to contact us as early as possible in the day.
This way we can try to see you the same day.
Phone number: 0206712141
E-mail address: info@tand150.nl
Urgent evening, weekend and holiday?
In case of severe pain that cannot wait, you can contact our emergency service. You will be referred to the dentist on duty.
Phone number: 0203034500
E-mail address: info@tandartsbemiddelingsbureau.nl
Can we help you?
Meet our team
We like to get to know our patients. And we can imagine that you would like to get to know us. That is why we would like to introduce you to our team. Hover over a team member to read their slogan. Click on a team member to get to know them.